Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I am officially in withdrawal hell. I somehow got to the hospital today. All I wanted to do was lay down on a PT mat and sleep. But I managed to work out. Then I was told to go to the "amputee clinic" where they would perform acupuncture.

So my ears are ringed with pins. And I feel as if I'm on some alien planet. Doses of other meds were increased to handle the phantom pain which has returned since I stopped the Methadone. But I was too tired to go to the pharmacy.

A therapist had to wheel me back to Mologne House, where I got shit from the guys as soon as they spotted me being pushed.

No one cuts anyone a break here.

A soldier told me he'd quit Methadone cold turkey after being on the maximum dose. Though he added that his doc said he should be in a coma right now.


GatorGirl said...

Don't give up now...every day off the drugs is a day closer to freedom. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

Moonpie said...

"Withdrawal symptoms with Methadone are a sure sign of physical dependence. They are considered less severe than with morphine or heroin but last longer, sometimes 2 weeks to 6 months. Methadone withdrawal can cause the following problems: lightheadedness, sneezing, vomiting, delusions, paranoia, elevated blood pressure, suicidal ideation, nausea, diarrhea, fever, chills, aches and pain, tremors, depression, prolonged insomnia, delirium, hallucinations, agitation and anxiety."

Marianne said...

Just one fun thing after another.

GatorGirl said...

And to think that all your life you were never into drugs, and now, due to the circumstances at hand, having a monkey climbing up and down your back. I can't even imagine how screwed up that must feel, but I do want you to know that we are here for you...everyday, in every way...

Unknown said...

Wait, it's just lightheadedness, sneezing, vomiting, delusions, paranoia, elevated blood pressure, suicidal ideation, nausea, diarrhea, fever, chills, aches and pain, tremors, depression, prolonged insomnia, delirium, hallucinations, agitation and anxiety? I thought you said it sucked...

fifi mahoney said...

Sneezing? That's a weird one. You sneezing? And give em shit right back for being pushed home. Remind em who you are (can't you just hear Memama???Do you know who I am????).

Moonpie said...

Strange but true. I actually did begin sneezing on Sunday

sugargirl said...

Damn right! Remember who you are and what you're made of! Don't let the gremlins get you down!