Monday, January 10, 2011

The "think" tanks

Today I went to a press conference at a well-known think tank, where some of the brightest minds available discussed why winning in Afghanistan is possible. The current strategy is working, major headway has been made and the turnaround in the South is un-precedented. But hold on...

We'll have to wait until next "fighting season" and even the NEXT "fighting season" to know for sure.

Really? And that means how many more lives and body parts lost?

If our strategy is working, then how the hell do we allow the Taliban and Al Qaeda to enjoy a "next" fighting season? Either we win. Or we don't. Either we crush their balls or we don't. But we don't take a winter hiatus (ala Congress) and agree to meet again in the Spring and see where things are...


Oldfool said...

You seem to have the mistaken idea that this is a ideological war to be won or lost. Be advised it is a business. Since Vietnam all war is business. No hard feeling it's "Just business".

Moonpie said...

War is the biggest business of all. You are right.