Saturday, July 10, 2010

Newbie alert

A soldier told me this morning he'd seen the newest "Quad", a Marine who is missing all four limbs. The soldier said all he saw was a torso when he approached him.

This young Marine has one hell of a challenging life ahead of him. We wish him well.

We're also a little embarrassed by our own lame injuries. Between the two of us, the soldier and I have two working legs and at least three functional arms but who's counting, right?

The young limb-less Marine is probably stronger than soldier and me combined.


Emmy said...

Yes, this new Marine is a strong soldier, and the challenge he has ahead of him is going to be harder than yours has been, but that doesn't make you any less strong. Remember that. You're strong, too.

Unknown said...

Moonpie, just checking in on you. You are enduring lots of suffering. Hang in there. God (yes he's there too) is with you in the darkest of places. And here's a hug via Cyberspace.

malaysia baru said...

We kill others..for the sake of politicians...